You must submit a mid-term report between the 3rd and 5th month after you begin implementation of your learning project (the date you begin homeschooling as indicated in your learning project), unless you withdraw your child from school on or after January 1st of the current school year, in which case a mid-term report is not required.
Completion Report
You must send the completion report to the Direction de l'enseignement à la maison (DEM) no later than June 15th.
Referring to the regulation, the reports must “state the progression of learning of the child and the evaluations realized to measure the progression”. A report should:
be brief: one or two paragraphs describing the child's progress by subject, with a few examples;
mention the evaluations carried out in order to measure the progress;
If it is an completion report, indicate the annual evaluation completed;
explain what the assessment of the child's progress is based on, for example:
daily monitoring by parents through discussions, productions and other achievements of the child ;
evaluations by professionals or specialists (e.g. music teacher, coach, day camp, etc.);
other means used.
describe the child's overall progress in relation to the learning project.
Some DEM resource persons insist that documents be written using a competency-based breakdown of the Quebec Education Program (QEP) only.
AQED argues that the Education Act requires an appropriate education, not one equivalent to the school system. The breakdown by competencies in the QEP therefore does not seem to be a reasonable requirement.
Please note! If you have chosen the portfolio evaluation method, it is not necessary to join it to the mid-term report. It should only be submitted with the completion report.